Creating rim file from Freesurfer/Suma


Big steps:

  1. Manual aligment of MP2RAGE with EPI (optional when MP2RAGE is acquired in same session)
  2. ANTS alignment of MP2RAGE and EPI. (part of, see github)
  3. Running Freesurfer on MP2RAGE data in EPI space. (part of, see github)
  4. Using SUMA to get fine samples tissue borders in EPI-voxel space (in oblique space) (part of, see github) Thanks to Daniel Glen developing this workflow.
  5. Manual correction of Freesurfer GM-ribbon
  6. calculating layers from GM-ribbon in neuroDebian.



  • fine scale EPI data up sampled
  • Equi-distance Layers in EPI space

1.) first manual alignment (not always necessary)

you need ITK-SNAP (news as 3.6.0):

  • open T1-EPI
  • Add another image MP2RAGE (semi-transparent) “w” shifts back and forth

image1.png  image2.png

  • Select: Tools -> Registration -> Manual
  • adjust approximately manual
  • you go to automatic tab and run Registration. I liked the following parameters:image3.png However, note that this does not always work. When the FOV is too small, the automatic registration puts the brain out of place. In this case, the manual adjustments need to be suffice.
  • save the transformation file: with safe symbol image4.png
  • Now you can apply it with command:
  • antsApplyTransforms --interpolation BSpline[5] -d 3 -i MP2RAGE.nii -r EPI.nii -t initial_matrix.txt -o registered_applied.nii

    ANTS documentation:

2.) Application of initial alignment in ANTS

echo "I expect 2 filed. the T1_weighted EPI.nii and a MP2RAGE_orig.nii"
#  bet MP2RAGE_orig.nii MP2RAGE.nii -f 0.05
3dcalc -a MP2RAGE.nii -datum short -expr 'a' -prefix MP2RAGE.nii -overwrite
echo "*****************************************"
echo "************* starting with ANTS ********"
echo "*****************************************"
#2 steps
antsRegistration \
--verbose 1 \
--dimensionality 3 \
--float 1 \
--output [registered_,registered_Warped.nii.gz,registered_InverseWarped.nii.gz] \
--interpolation Linear \
--use-histogram-matching 0 \
--winsorize-image-intensities [0.005,0.995] \
--initial-moving-transform initial_matrix.txt \
--transform Rigid[0.05] \
--metric CC[EPI.nii,MP2RAGE.nii,0.7,32,Regular,0.1] \
--convergence [1000x500,1e-6,10] \
--shrink-factors 2x1 \
--smoothing-sigmas 1x0vox \
--transform Affine[0.1] \
--metric MI[EPI.nii,MP2RAGE.nii,0.7,32,Regular,0.1] \
--convergence [1000x500,1e-6,10] \
--shrink-factors 2x1 \
--smoothing-sigmas 1x0vox \
--transform SyN[0.1,2,0] \
--metric CC[EPI.nii,MP2RAGE.nii,1,2] \
--convergence [500x100,1e-6,10] \
--shrink-factors 2x1 \
--smoothing-sigmas 1x0vox

#antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i MP2RAGE.nii -o warped_MP2RAGE.nii -r MP2RAGE.nii-t registered_1Warp.nii.gz -t registered_0GenericAffine.mat
antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i MP2RAGE.nii -o warped_MP2RAGE.nii -r MP2RAGE.nii -t registered_1Warp.nii.gz -t registered_0GenericAffine.mat

3dcalc -a warped_MP2RAGE.nii -datum short -expr 'a' -prefix warped_MP2RAGE.nii -overwrite
  • compiled from command: -d 3 -f EPI.nii -m MP2RAGE.nii -o registered_ -t s -n 4
  • on Linux the command starts with minor “a” not capital “A”.

(for rigid+affine+syn) the 3/4 after -d means the dimension, use either 3 or 4 dimensional registration -n menas the number of cores

More infomration about ANTS details here:

3.) Run Freesurfer on warped_MP2RAGE.nii

module load freesurfer
#export FREESURFER_HOME=/Applications/freesurfer
export SUBJECTS_DIR=$pfad
recon-all -s subject_name -hires  -i warped_MP2RAGE.nii  -all -parallel -openmp 6 

4.) SUMA

  • Get AFNI stuff
  • in subject folder: “cd subject_name” Run @SUMA_Make_Spec_FS -sid subject_name –NIFTI
  • Scale up EPI:
  • in NeuroDebian: FFT EPI.nii 0 and FFT MP2RAGE.nii 0
cd subject_name
@SUMA_Make_Spec_FS -sid subject_name -NIFTI
cp ../../EPI.nii ./
cp ../../warped_MP2RAGE.nii ./
echo "************* upscaling EPI.nii ******************************"
module load afni
delta_x=$(3dinfo -di EPI.nii)
delta_y=$(3dinfo -dj EPI.nii)
delta_z=$(3dinfo -dk EPI.nii)
sdelta_x=$(echo "(($delta_x / 4))"|bc -l)
sdelta_y=$(echo "(($delta_x / 4))"|bc -l)
sdelta_z=$(echo "(($delta_z / 4))"|bc -l)
echo "$sdelta_x"
echo "$sdelta_y"
echo "$sdelta_z"
3dresample -dxyz $sdelta_x $sdelta_y $sdelta_z -rmode Li -overwrite -prefix scaled_EPI.nii -input EPI.nii
#get obliquity matrix
3dWarp -card2oblique EPI.nii -verb warped_MP2RAGE.nii -overwrite > orinentfile.txt
echo "dense mesh starting"
#get dense mesh
MapIcosahedron -spec subject_name_lh.spec -ld 564 -prefix std_lh.ld564. -overwrite
MapIcosahedron -spec subject_name_rh.spec -ld 564 -prefix std_rh.ld564. -overwrite
echo "************************ get surfaces in oblique orientation left"
ConvertSurface -xmat_1D orinentfile.txt -i std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.gii -o std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.gii -overwrite
ConvertSurface -xmat_1D orinentfile.txt -i std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.gii -o std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.gii -overwrite
#get spec for the new file
quickspec -tn gii std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.gii
mv quick.spec std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.spec
quickspec -tn gii std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.gii
mv quick.spec std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.spec
inspec -LRmerge std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.spec std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.spec -detail 2 -prefix std_BOTH.ld564.lh.orient.spec -overwrite
echo " **************************"
echo " get binary mask of surface left"
echo " **************************"
3dSurf2Vol -spec std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.spec -surf_A std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.gii -map_func mask -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -prefix lh.pial.epi_vol.nii -sv T1.nii -overwrite
3dSurf2Vol -spec std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.spec -surf_A std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.gii -map_func mask -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -prefix lh.WM.epi_vol.nii -sv T1.nii -overwrite
3dSurf2Vol -spec std_BOTH.ld564.lh.orient.spec -surf_A std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.gii -surf_B std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.gii -sv T1.nii -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -map_func mask -f_steps 40 -f_index points -f_p1_fr 0.07 -f_pn_fr -0.05 -prefix ribbonmask_564_lh.nii -overwrite
# is fill should be bigger
#3dSurf2Vol -spec std_BOTH.ld564.lh.orient.spec -surf_A std_lh.ld564.lh.smoothwm.obl.gii -surf_B std_lh.ld564.lh.pial.obl.gii -sv T1.nii -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -map_func mask -f_steps 40 -f_index points -f_p1_fr -0.05 -f_pn_fr 0.05 -prefix ribbonmask_564_lh.nii -overwrite
echo " **************************"
echo " **************************"
echo "************************ get surfaces in oblique orientation left"
ConvertSurface -xmat_1D orinentfile.txt -i std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.gii -o std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.gii -overwrite
ConvertSurface -xmat_1D orinentfile.txt -i std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.gii -o std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.gii -overwrite
#get spec for the new file
quickspec -tn gii std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.gii
mv quick.spec std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.spec
quickspec -tn gii std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.gii
mv quick.spec std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.spec
inspec -LRmerge std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.spec std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.spec -detail 2 -prefix std_BOTH.ld564.rh.orient.spec -overwrite
echo " **************************"
echo " get binary mask of surface right"
echo " **************************"
3dSurf2Vol -spec std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.spec -surf_A std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.gii -map_func mask -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -prefix rh.pial.epi_vol.nii -sv T1.nii -overwrite
3dSurf2Vol -spec std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.spec -surf_A std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.gii -map_func mask -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -prefix rh.WM.epi_vol.nii -sv T1.nii -overwrite
3dSurf2Vol -spec std_BOTH.ld564.rh.orient.spec -surf_A std_rh.ld564.rh.smoothwm.obl.gii -surf_B std_rh.ld564.rh.pial.obl.gii -sv T1.nii -gridset scaled_EPI.nii -map_func mask -f_steps 40 -f_index points -f_p1_fr 0.07 -f_pn_fr -0.05 -prefix ribbonmask_564_rh.nii -overwrite
#3dLocalstat -nbhd 'SPHERE(0.2)' -prefix filled_ribbonmask_564 ribbonmask_564+orig
3dcalc -a ribbonmask_564_rh.nii -b ribbonmask_564_lh.nii -expr 'a + b ' -prefix fill.nii -overwrite
3dcalc -a lh.pial.epi_vol.nii -b rh.pial.epi_vol.nii -expr 'a + b ' -prefix pial_vol.nii -overwrite
3dcalc -a lh.WM.epi_vol.nii -b rh.WM.epi_vol.nii -expr 'a + b ' -prefix WM_vol.nii -overwrite
3dLocalstat -nbhd 'SPHERE(0.3)' -stat mean -overwrite -prefix filled_fill.nii fill.nii
3dcalc -a filled_fill.nii -b fill.nii -expr 'step(step(a-0.5)+b)' -overwrite -prefix filled_fill.nii
3dcalc -a filled_fill.nii -b pial_vol.nii -c WM_vol.nii -expr 'step(a-b-c)' -overwrite -prefix GM_robbon4_manual_corr.nii
3dcalc -a filled_fill.nii -b pial_vol.nii -c WM_vol.nii -expr 'a + b + 2*c ' -prefix rim_auto.nii -overwrite
cp filled_fill.nii ../../
cp pial_vol.nii ../../
cp WM_vol.nii ../../
cp rim_auto.nii ../../
cp scaled_EPI.nii ../../
cp GM_robbon4_manual_corr.nii ../../

5. manual correction of GM_ribbon.nii


  • uncheck protection
  • use Pen to draw GM AREAS that are miss classified
  • Use errasor to remouve GM (almost never happens)
  • opposite sides of a sulcus should not touch each other

Alternatively in fsleyes:

  • alt+E gets you in edit mode, where you can manually correct the GM ribbonScreenshot 2017-11-26 14.05.18.png

6.) calculating layers from GM-ribbon in neuroDebian

  • Getting layers from GM-ribbon in NeuroDebian:
    • ./PREP4MANrim pial_vol.nii WM_vol.nii GM_robbon4_manual_corr.nii 
    • outpout is rim.nii
  •  Generate Layers from rim.nii
      •, which basely does:
    LAYER_VOL_LEAK rim.nii
    GROW_LAYERS rim.nii3dcalc -a leak_vol_lay_rim.nii -b equi_dist_layers.nii -expr 'a-b' -overwrite -prefix difference.nii
    SMinMASK difference.nii rim.nii  30
    3dcalc -a smoothed_difference.nii -b leak_vol_lay_rim.nii -expr 'b-2*a' -overwrite -prefix corrected_leak_1.nii
    SMinMASK corrected_leak_1.nii rim.nii  12
    GLOSSY_LAYERS  smoothed_corrected_leak_1.nii

Input: image6.png Output:image7.png

2 thoughts on “Creating rim file from Freesurfer/Suma

  1. Hi, I am running the tutorial to extract layers from the GM-ribbon with the ultimate goal of extracting layer-specific values of functional connectivity (from VASO acquisition), T1 relaxation time from MP2RAGE, and QSM. I successfully ran the majority of the steps but cannot find in the LAYNII downloads the commands /PREP4MANrim and How can I download the files? It is written elsewhere that it requires Renzo’s Neurodebian virtual box but the link does not work. Are there alternative commands to perform the same? Thanks a lot for your help.



  2. Dear Giovanni,
    Thanks for your interest in this pipeline. Unfortunately, this pipeline is quite old by now. The PREP4MANrim ( was part of the ODIN-dependent version of LayNii and is no longer supported.

    I believe that the more current features in LayNii might get you what you want:
    E.g. see LN2_BORDERIZE
    see LN2_RIMIFY
    or see the corresponding scripts here: and here:

    If you need help with a spefific problem and/or dataset, feel free to post an issue here on github with a link to the data and someone will help you:

    Best regards,


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